Entertainment – 10 min

A woman celebrates her 78th birthday, accompanied by her two granddaughters. The eldest, Rachel, regales her with loud attention, gifts, and photos she incessantly posts online. The youngest, Rosie, quietly works away cleaning, cooking, and sorting Nana’s meds. Rachel almost kills her diabetic Nana with a high-sugar multi-coloured cake and Rosie rushes to the rescue with a timely insulin jab. Meanwhile, Rachel, has been obliviously posting about her “Sweet Nana” beside them. Still, Nana seems to enjoy Rachel’s disrupting visits the most, and has come to take Rosie’s hard-working quiet nature for granted. Until… Rosie falls ill, and Nana gets a weary visit from Rachel to help her with the chores. When Rachel pelts out of the house, Nana has no food, a shoddy cleaning job and a broken telly. Moved by seeing the last container of food prepared by Rosie, Nana embarks on an epic cross-country journey on her mobility scooter.