Lori Belilove Performs The Revolutionary
Dance & Music – 3 min

“The Revolutionary is an ode to freedom.” – Lori Belilove
The Revolutionary was created in 1924 by American dance pioneer Isadora Duncan and handed down through a legacy of Duncan dancers directly to Lori Belilove, Artistic Director of the Isadora Duncan Dance Foundation & Company, based in New York.
Isadora was heavily influenced by her first visit to Russia in 1905. In her autobiography, My Life, she wrote of witnessing the funereal aftermath of the Bloody Sunday Massacre: “I watched these poor, grief-stricken workmen carrying their martyred dead. There, before this seemingly endless procession, this tragedy, I vowed my forces to the service of the people and the downtrodden.”
The Revolutionary was created during Isadora’s years teaching at her school in Moscow. She assimilated her personal passion for political change with a vision of the universal humanitarian fight. Her concept of the “revolutionary figure” was the individual who stood against all tyranny.