Lori Belilove and The Belilovables

Dance & Music – 6 min

In the tradition of Isadora Duncan’s “Isadorables,” a group of children Isadora adopted and educated, Lori Belilove established a young performing company known as The Beliloveables. This talented group of young Duncan dancers ranges in age from 8-17. The Beliloveables are young dancers trained to be artists within the Duncan style. The majority of them are homeschooled, and are receiving holistic, arts-centered educations similar to those Isadora provided to her students more than a century ago. All of them have been selected for their grace and energetic spirit. They work as an ensemble, training in technique, improvisational studies, and the rich, multi-faceted choreographic repertoire of Isadora Duncan, all of which provide them with a full education in modern dance. In these classes, the joy of dancing is central, and their technical craft is built over time.

In a continually fragmenting world, these young girls are bringing back natural beauty and grace. They have gravitated towards this work because it feeds their souls in a world that needs hope and beauty, joy and playfulness. With fresh eyes and hearts, they are giving new life to Isadora’s work, and just as she once did, astonishing audiences with their simplicity and honesty of movement. Through them, the vigor and relevance of Duncan dance is being seen anew.

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Premiering on February 1st, 2025

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