Living in Denial
Entertainment – 6 min

Most of the residents of Denial will tell you that their town is disappearing! In fact, the locals are fleeing like rats on a sinking ship. But not so the Mayor of Denial! He’s perfectly happy staying where he is… and he defies anyone who dares to say that the water is rising, that muck is everywhere and that global warming is to blame. On this latest episode of the Estra Gen Show, Estra confronts the Mayor and fellow Denialist: Reverend Fervour, both of whom refuse to believe that a flood of trouble is on their doorstep.
Barbara Whiting
Nicole Lemasson Barbara Whiting
Barbara Whiting
Shaun Finn Dillon Byrne
Shaun Finn
Nicole Lemasson
Amro Majzoub
Jon Lundquist