Koga and Friends – “Shelter”

Film & Animation – 9 min

shildren and animals doing yoga

Koga and Friends features original music by David Friedman who was the musical arranger for the animated feature films of Aladdin, Pocahontas and Beauty and the Beast. Whenever Koga teaches a new yoga posture, he describes the posture through one of David’s original songs, so that kids will remember how to do the posture anytime they sing the song.


Koga and Friends: Shelter was selected as one of the Best of the Fest 2021 by KIDS FIRST! in association with the Planet Classroom Network.

Phil Kholos
Devika Joglekar (Animator)
Phil Kholos
David Friedman
Phil Kholos
Deborah Davis
Linda Miriam
Christina Connors, David Friedman
Jules Huang, Vivianne Leeming
Frank Mastrone, Tyler Pascarella
Elijag Rayman, Luke Ryan
Sheila Savage, Jodi Stevens
London Thomas

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Premiering on December 1st

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