I Am Fundi
Science & Technology – 9 min

“I Am Fundi” is a short documentary depicting the education system in Uganda and the measures that the organization, Fundibots, is taking to create change. Victor, a Fundi teacher with a challenging past, is changing the future of Uganda by preparing and instilling excitement for science in young children so that when they grow, they will be confident, supported, and prepared for contemporary practices and technological advances. The changes Fundibots is bringing about not only take place in the school system but in all of Uganda. Through their work, they are teaching people to create solutions, not expect them. Fundi Bots provides the only space in Uganda with access to practical and updated technology instruments, materials, and support.
For more information visit https://www.fundibots.org
This video was produced on location by an Actuality Media student crew and shot with Canon cameras.