Café Armonía
People – 3 min

Opened in Xela (Quetzaltenango), Guatemala, in September 2014, Café Armonía is a small coffee shop started by two associations of small coffee farmers – Manos Campesinas and ASOBAGRI. It is the first effort of these Guatemalan groups to sell fresh-made (Organic, Fair Trade) coffee to the consumer.
For more information: Café Armonía – http://www.cafearmonia.com/
ASOBAGRI – http://fairtradeusa.org/producer-profiles/asobagri-asociaci-n-barillense-de-agricultores
Manos Campesinas – http://www.manoscampesinas.org/
This micro-documentary was produced on location in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, by an Actuality Abroad student crew and filmed with a Canon XA10. The making of this video was part of a one-day-film assignment; an exercise to prepare a crew who had never filmed together to be ready to create a short documentary on a local changemaker.
Actuality Abroad is on the ground with every student crew to oversee production of these short documentaries, providing the services of executive producer, production manager, location scout, additional editing, and whatever else is needed to complete the project.
hey are more than a film study abroad program. They are a service learning organization that takes students and young professionals abroad to create media on changemakers in developing communities around the world. Their films spread the word about nonprofits, NGOs and social entrepreneurs who are implementing innovative, new ideas to combat chronic social problems. Find out more about their work and adventures at www.actualityabroad.org