Bach, Beethoven, Hindemith, and Vieuxtemps: Viola Solo and String Quartet

Dance & Music – 51 min

Eric Lin shows the true potential for solo viola playing in this 50 minute recital, featuring music from Bach, Paul Hindemith, Henri Vieuxtemps, and Beethoven. The first half is solely Lin’s playing, providing a masterful demonstration of the viola’s unique tones. He is joined in the latter half by violinist’s Yangxin Song and Junyu Lin, as well as Raman Ramakrishnan on cello, for Beethoven’s “String Quartet No. 11”. This classical performance shows the strengths of the strings, with no compromises.

Eric Lin
Yangxin Song
Junyu Lin
Raman Ramakrishna

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Premiering on August 1st, 2022

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